Zenith Counselling's logo showing they provide counselling in Kitchener Ontario and counselling in Windsor Ontario


Our therapists are all either Registered Psychotherapists (Qualifying) or Registered Psychotherapists, to find out exactly what that means, please click the button below our counsellors to meet them and learn more.

A dark teal partial circle and Mountain range icon displaying the name of a male therapist in Kitchener Ontario
Male therapist, Evan Dunne, providing therapy in Kitchener Ontario



A blue partial circle and Mountain range icon displaying the name of a male therapist in Kitchener Ontario
Male therapist, Chris Mullin, providing therapy in Kitchener Ontario



A dusty pink partial circle and Mountain range icon displaying the name of a female therapist in Kitchener Ontario
Female therapist, Karla Rivera, providing therapy in Kitchener Ontario



A black partial circle and Mountain range icon displaying the name of a female therapist in Kitchener Ontario
Female therapist, Mary Soppitt, providing therapy in Kitchener Ontario



An orange partial circle and Mountain range icon displaying the name of a male therapist in Windsor Ontario
Male therapist, Nathaniel Khaleel, providing therapy in Windsor Ontario



Zenith Counselling’s team is made up of Registered Psychotherapists and Registered Psychotherapists (Qualifying). What does this mean?

We swear that the full alphabet following your counsellor’s name actually does hold some significance beyond trying to appear sophisticated. Your counsellor’s education, training, and membership to professional associations are usually what these letters represent. These are your counsellor’s credentials and represent their scope of practice.

Beyond your own genuine curiosity (which we respect immensely), these designations are important for insurance claims.

Here are some examples:

Blue rectangle with words on top about credentials of therapists in Kitchener-Waterloo

MA - Master of Arts: This is the graduate degree that your counsellor would have had to earn prior to becoming a counsellor. This provides them with the education and training necessary to practice psychotherapy. 

RP (Qualifying) - Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying): This is the designation granted by the CRPO to psychotherapists in Ontario who have passed the minimum requirements to practice psychotherapy in Ontario. They have at the very least completed 90% of their Masters program, secured an internship placement, and intend to secure full RP status. 

RP - Registered Psychotherapist: This designation is given to counsellors who have at least 450 hours spent working directly in-session with clients, 100 hours of supervision with a more experienced counsellor, and passed the registration exam

MSW - Master of Social Work: This is also a graduate degree that your counsellor would have earned prior to becoming a counsellor. Though the training for social work programs is more broad, they also receive training to practice psychotherapy. 

RSW - Registered Social Worker: This is the formal designation of counsellors who have obtained their MSW and have registered with the OCSWSSW. The major requirement to obtain an RSW is that the counsellor has an MSW.