Zenith Counselling logo on their page, introducing their services including therapy in Kitchener Ontario


Zenith Counselling was built on the belief in the profound resilience of the human spirit. We are confident that you have the ability to reach into the lowest points of your life and draw strength that will elevate you to greater heights. It is our privilege and responsibility to support you on this journey toward realizing your best self.

A person hiking in a forest at sunset, thinking about starting therapy in Waterloo Ontario
A snowy mountain, showing the journey you can take during therapy in Waterloo Ontario
A person walking across a suspension bridge to a mountain range showing the courage it takes to start relationship counselling in Kitchener Ontario
I am human, I consider nothing human alien to me
— Terentius Afer

Technically speaking, anywhere! At Zenith Counselling we provide phone or video counselling so we are able to connect with any client with a stable internet connection, but that’s not what you meant was it?

Our office is located at 156 King St. South in Waterloo, Ontario where we practice within a community of some of the most dedicated counsellors in Waterloo region.

Where are we located?

An orange partial circle and mountain range icon displaying the words Individual Counselling in Kitchener Ontario

If you have any questions or you would like to book a free thirty minute consultation, please click below.

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A part of the Zenith Counselling Kitchener logo introducing their services including trauma therapy in Kitchener Ontario

Our lowest points may feel like the heaviest weight that keeps us buried in the past. Fortunately, just as the highest mountain was once beneath the sea floor, so too can you rise from the depths of your suffering.

When you reach new heights in your life you will carry what remains from your past with you. Learning how to carry your past can transform your suffering into meaningful growth that will lift you to even greater heights.